transcribe your podcast

5 reasons to transcribe your podcast

Ten years ago, hardly anyone knew what a podcast was. Now there are literally millions of them, covering every topic under the sun.

Around half of all homes listen to podcasts in some form, be it on the treadmill, driving in the car, or simply pottering around the house.

Most podcasters have a website to go along with their broadcast, but very few of those sites have a transcript of the individual episodes.

This is a huge mistake, but a very simple one to correct.

Below are 5 reasons why you should transcribe your podcast.

Helps with your SEO

Google’s bots can’t trawl audio (yet), so whatever is said on a podcast isn’t searchable.

For SEO purposes this isn’t ideal. In fact, it’s a huge waste.

If you have an expert on, talking about… let’s say cochlear implants… then anyone searching online for this expert will not be drawn to your site because Google can’t read sounds.

What Google can read however is a transcript of the podcast, thus making it searchable for anyone who’s looking for it.

Boosts your audience potential

Unfortunately, podcasts are immediately ruled out for deaf and hard of hearing people.

Even the giants of the podcasting industry like Spotify, Apple, and Google don’t have captions for their podcasts.

By transcribing yours, you are opening the door to millions of people around the world who otherwise wouldn’t click on your site.

Adds credibility to you and your podcast

Inclusiveness is a big factor when it comes to online credibility, and if you are considerate enough to transcribe your podcast, word of mouth goes a long way.

People will be more likely to share your work, especially with friends who are deaf or heard of hearing.

By making it easier for people, you’re more likely to reap the rewards by having them promote your podcast.

podcast transcription

Gives your audience an option

Transcriptions of podcasts are not just for deaf and hard of hearing people.

By committing words to text, it gives your audience the option of whether they want to watch, listen, or read your content.

Sometimes it’s more convenient to read something rather than listen to it.

As well as that, other people might want to share quotes or interviews from your podcast, but don’t want to transcribe it themselves.

If a person simply summarises what they heard on a podcast they can not only get the facts wrong, but there’s no reason to quote the original source because it’s not searchable.

A simple “Copy & Paste” of a transcript will do the trick, and the credit (should) still go back to you.

Gives you more content to develop

One podcast can give you a year’s worth of blog posts.

People talk a lot faster than they type, meaning an hour-long podcast can be thousands of words, covering dozens of topics.

It’s easy to go back through a transcription at a later time, searching for certain words to turn into a 500-word blog post.

Divide a podcast up, taking pieces out here and there, adding images, and you can make new content for your website for months!

Call us for all your transcription needs

If you want to boost your podcast, stand out from the others, and help make your work more inclusive, then we can help.

Our skilled captioners have years of experience and cover a wide range of languages.

They type so fast we can listen to your podcast live and email the transcript to you as soon as you’re finished!

Contact us today if you would like to know more about how to transcribe your podcast and one of our friendly experts will be in touch to answer any questions you may have.

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