British Sign Language Interpreting and Video Relay Service

With approximately 12 million people in the UK affected by hearing loss, the demand for Sign Language services is growing steadily.

With the Equality Act 2010 requiring businesses and organisations to make “reasonable adjustments” for deaf people, BSL interpreting is now more sought after than ever before.

Here at 121 Captions, we offer BSL interpreting and Video Relay Service from highly qualified and experienced experts.

BSL interpreting service

As a business, you should do everything in your power to welcome deaf and hard of hearing people into your organisation, both as employees and clients.

As mentioned, the 2010 Equality Act puts into law the obligation of companies to safeguard fair treatment, making reasonable adjustments to ensure their services do not discriminate.

Other than a legal requirement, businesses can only benefit from opening the door to the deaf community. A good reputation for catering for deaf and hard of hearing will spread quickly, leading to repeat business, new clients, and an increase in profits.

121 Captions offer BSL interpreting on both individual access and also larger conference scales.

Video Relay Service

With a video relay service, our BSL interpreters don’t even need to be in the room.

Using a simple App, deaf and hard of hearing individuals can communicate in real-time via a qualified British Sign Language Interpreter.

We can bring instant access via a laptop, tablet, or phone, helping B2B meetings, client and customer interactions, and general communication.

A simple click of a button brings experienced and qualified BLS interpreters to you, quickly overcoming any language barriers.

Our VRS is fast, effective, and affordable, putting everyone on the same page instantly.


121 Caption’s BSL Interpreting and Video Relay Service is just one part of what we offer here. For more information about how we can help your business include the deaf community, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.