Stenographer machine

Looking for a stenographer? We can help

If you’re looking for a stenographer, then there are two things you need to focus on; speed and accuracy.

We can help with both.

What is a stenographer?

In a sentence, a stenographer records what is being said as quickly and as accurately as possible.

They are usually found in situations where it’s important to record what’s being said and by whom, such as a courtroom, but they’re also found in other official settings like depositions or contract negotiations.

Why would I need one?

A stenographer is especially important in the courtroom, but their skills reach out into the everyday world too.

As a skilled freelancer, a stenographer can work anywhere, not just in the judicial system, and there are many businesses out there who hire these highly skilled people to make their life easier.

It’s incredibly time-consuming to type out everything being said during a meeting. Sure, you can take notes in shorthand, but that’s running the risk of missing something important.

This is where a stenographer can help.

The average typing speed on a normal qwerty keyboard is around 40 words per minute.

Professional typists can average up to twice that, with some excelling at 95 words per minute.

Stenographers can type at an astounding 360 words per minute, with an accuracy rate of 99.8%.

That’s typing as fast as someone is speaking.

How does a stenographer type so fast?

The answer lies with the stenograph machine itself; it’s not the same as a keyboard that a normal typist would use.

A regular keyboard produces one character per strike, limiting how fast a person can enter information.

A stenograph, however, works differently, more akin to how a piano creates different notes when different keys are pressed at the same time.

Instead of typing out the full word like on a normal keyboard, shorthand is used. These shorthand keys are based on how a word sounds rather than how it is spelled.

Each stenographer has their own pre-set list of shortcuts to help them along, with many specific to the industry they work in.

Our stenographers are the best in the country

Here at 121 Captions, we take great pride in the fact our stenographers have an almost 100% accuracy rating. We’re so confident in their skills, we offer a no-quibble 100% money-back guarantee.

We have spent years building up a team of experts who meet the highest standards set by the appropriate registration bodies. We provide both on-site and remote live captioning, making businesses, conferences, events, teleconference calls, meetings, and seminars all more accessible.

If you need a stenographer, then contact us today, or if you would simply like to know more about our stenography services let’s have a chat about how we can help.

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