signs of hearing loss

Signs, causes and treatment of hearing loss

The majority of us will lose some sensitivity in our hearing as we get older, this is just a natural result of age. When hearing loss will start, how bad it will be, and what the causes are is anyone’s guess, but there are signs you can look out for.

If you start to notice…

The problem with gradual hearing loss is that it’s gradual. We are incredibly good at getting used to things, and so our bodies can adjust to losing our hearing without us even noticing until things have gotten pretty bad.

Even if you do start to notice your hearing getting worse, you may feel embarrassed to admit you’re having trouble, which isn’t uncommon. It is important however to get medical advice as soon as possible, especially if you begin to notice some of the following.

Asking people to repeat themselves

It may seem obvious, but if you’re constantly asking people to repeat what they’ve just said, or you find people are mumbling more, then you may be the problem.

Conversations in large groups might be especially difficult, and higher-pitched voices like children might be harder to understand.


We’ve talked before about tinnitus, but if you start to hear a ringing in your ears then this might be the first sign of hearing loss. Tinnitus isn’t a disease or an illness, it’s a symptom of something else, an underlying cause.

Prolonged exposure to loud sounds is the main cause of tinnitus, with other conditions and illnesses also causing it, with ear infections being the most common.

Struggling to hear everyday things

In the same vein as asking people to repeat themselves, if you find others complaining you have the TV up too loud, then this is an indicator that all is not well. Announcements on transport, the telephone ringing, someone knocking the door… if you start to notice any of these things, have your hearing checked by a professional.

What causes hearing loss?

There is no one thing that causes hearing loss, each person has their own story. Some of the most common reasons though include:

  • Aging
  • Exposure to loud noise
  • Infections such as rubella (measles) or meningitis
  • Chronic conditions such as thyroid or heart disease
  • Autoimmune diseases such as Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn’s
  • Exposure to certain medications that have a toxic effect on the hearing system

What you can do about hearing loss

There are various treatments for hearing loss, but again, each person is different. Treatment depends on the type of hearing loss and its severity.

Typical treatment options for hearing loss include things like:

  • Hearing aids
  • Cochlear implants
  • Apps and technological devices
  • Lip-reading

At the first sign of hearing loss, you should make an appointment with your healthcare provider as soon as possible who should refer you to a specialist.

The important thing is to not panic – hearing loss might be something as simple as a build-up of ear wax which is easily treatable.

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