
We supply subtitles or offline captions for videos, delivering access to millions of deaf and hard of hearing people.

offline captioning

Offline captioning – what it is and why you need it

In the world of TikTok, Instagram and YouTube, video content is king. If you want to stand out from the crowd, broadcast your message to EVERYONE, including the millions of people out there who are hard of hearing, then you need to add captions to your videos.

FAQs captioning companies

FAQ about captioning companies

Do you know the difference between subtitles and Closed Captions? Check out our top FAQs about captioning companies, what they do and why you need them!

Hire a stenographer for business

Hire a stenographer to make your business more efficient

The suggestion to hire a stenographer for your business might seem a little strange, but it makes total sense – and we’re going to explain why.

Captioning services

Our different types of captioning services

Captioning services come in all different shapes and sizes, but fall into two main categories; live and offline. We explain both here:

closed captions

Offline captions – why you should be using them for your videos

In this short article, we explain what offline captions are, why they’re helpful, and how you can add them to your videos.

captions for business

Captioning services for business and education

Captioning services whether they be live or after the fact, is an essential service for many people, and one which will help your business, even if you don’t realise it.

boost your SEO

How we can help boost your SEO through captioning

Give yourself a boost ahead of your competitors in Google’s search results by doing this one simple thing – adding captions to your videos.

French subtitles

4 advantages of using subtitles in your videos

If you make videos for your business, no matter how large or small a part they play, it’s always a good idea to add subtitles and captions.

Digital Accessibility

Digital Accessibility: What is it and why is it important?

Digital Accessibility is an oft-overlooked aspect of modern-day life, and as such, it’s more important than ever to discuss and highlight.

With so much of our lives being conducted online, from doctor’s appointments to food shopping, it’s essential that everyone has access to online services, and we don’t just mean having an internet connection. Read more

closed captions for SEO

Why Closed Captions help with your SEO

Obviously, the main function of subtitles and closed captions is for deaf and hard of hearing people to follow what’s happening on screen.

There are, however, many other advantages to having captions on a video.

One of the most surprising of these is a boost in SEO, helping your video, website, and business to all become more visible to the wider world. Read more