boost your SEO

How we can help boost your SEO through captioning

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation and it’s now an essential part of operating a successful website.

While there are many parts to SEO, one of the surprising ways you can boost your SEO comes in the form of captioning.

What is SEO and why do you need it?

There are millions of websites, so obviously they can’t all be on the first page of Google.

As a company, Google needs a way to sort through all these sites and only display the relevant ones.

And even with the relevant ones, there’s going to be some that are better than others.

SEO is a way to pick out the best sites for the search query, and to do this, Google has a very long list of things they want you as a website owner to adhere to.

Optimising your site for a search engine is the best way to get into that all-elusive number one spot.

It’s very difficult to become the first result on Google’s homepage for a search term. Many businesses use Google Ads, but they’re largely ineffective, and of course, as soon as you stop paying for them, people stop clicking on your site.

Getting your SEO right helps you gain “organic” visitors; people who come to your site naturally through a search engine.

Captions on your videos can help you reach people organically, and here’s how…

How Captions can help boost your SEO

If you have any videos on your website or uploaded to YouTube, you should always have captions included as an option.

The crawl bots and algorithms that scour the World Wide Web are looking for text to see what a website is about. That’s one of the reasons you need keywords – to show Google what it is you actually do.

When it comes to videos though, it’s a different story.

These bots can’t watch a video to know what it’s about, and therefore no matter how informative a video is, Google will ignore it when it comes to SEO.

In fact, there’s a good chance you’ll be punished in the search results because there’s always someone behind you who will take your place, pushing you down the list.

If a video has closed captions however, then there is text available for the bots to read.

If even a short, 5 minute video is content heavy, then the captions might contain the equivalent information of a small website.

Google loves this, especially if the video is relating to a specific question. If your video answers a query someone has typed into Google, then Google will bring it up as the first result.

Even if the answer to the specific question is half-way through your video, the search results will start playing it at the point necessary.

Google also owns YouTube, which is why they’re happy to prioritise videos in their search queries.

If a YouTube video answers a question, then why not send people there instead of someone else’s website?

We can add captions to your videos

Boost your SEO ahead of your competitors in Google’s search results by doing this one simple thing.

The more videos you have – no matter what length – the more information there is for Google to sift through, finding all the relative parts to answer search queries.

121 Captions provide the best value captioning service from our recording studios, right here in the UK.

To find out more, please don’t hesitate to contact us today, and let’s start adding another string to your SEO bow.

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