Richie Sunak press conference

BSL interpretation to be provided at all major Government press conferences

The UK Government has pledged to enhance accessibility for individuals with hearing difficulties, in accordance with the Equality Act 2010. This commitment includes providing “in-situ British Sign Language (BSL) interpretation for all major press conferences and briefings” starting from spring of 2024.

The decision follows the ‘Where Is The Interpreter’ campaign (which we talked about before), initiated by Deaf activist Lynn Stewart-Taylor in 2020, which drew attention to the absence of interpreters during daily coronavirus briefings.

Addressing past shortcomings

The genesis of this commitment traces back to 2020 when the #WhereIsTheInterpreter campaign brought attention to the government’s failure to provide in-person BSL interpreters during vital briefings. Despite initial challenges and legal proceedings, including a judicial review citing breaches of the Equality Act, progress has been made.

Evolution of accessible communication

Initially, the government resorted to on-screen BSL interpretation via the BBC for briefings, citing safety concerns amidst the pandemic. However, this approach fell short of comprehensive accessibility, prompting criticism and legal action. Subsequently, with the passage of the British Sign Language Act and mounting pressure, the government acknowledged the need for tangible improvements in accessibility measures.

A step towards inclusivity

The recent commitment to in-situ BSL interpretation signifies a pivotal moment in the government’s journey towards inclusivity. By ensuring real-time access for Deaf BSL citizens, this initiative not only addresses past shortcomings but also sets a precedent for inclusive communication practices.

Beyond interpretation: a comprehensive action plan

The Disability Action Plan encompasses a broader spectrum of commitments aimed at enhancing accessibility and support for disabled individuals. From expanding BSL reporting to establishing online information hubs and exploring avenues for better environmental considerations, the plan reflects a multifaceted approach towards addressing diverse needs.

Looking ahead: long-term reforms

While immediate actions are underway, the government’s pledge to develop long-term reforms underscores its commitment to fostering a more accessible and equitable society. Initiatives such as financial support for disabled individuals seeking elected office demonstrate a proactive stance towards empowering marginalized communities.

A call for continued advocacy

As the government progresses with its Disability Action Plan, ongoing advocacy and scrutiny remain essential. It is imperative to hold authorities accountable for fulfilling their commitments and ensuring that inclusivity remains at the forefront of policy initiatives.

The UK Government’s commitment to providing in-situ BSL interpretation marks a significant milestone in its journey towards fostering inclusivity and accessibility. As implementation progresses, it is hoped that such initiatives will not only address past inadequacies but also pave the way for a more inclusive society where every individual can fully participate and thrive.

If you require BSL interpreters, then look no further than 121 Captions. Our core team not only includes BSL interpreters, but court reporters and captioners, professional lip readers, certified lipreading teachers, and deaf awareness trainers.

BSL interpreters are essential in a wide range of settings, from education to healthcare to business, and they help bridge the communication gap between hearing and non-hearing individuals.

If you need a BSL interpreter, please don’t hesitate to contact us and our friendly and knowledgeable staff will be happy to help in any way they can.


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