Glenn Carstens Peters

glenn carstens peters audiologist

Audiologists and hearing rehabilitation

Gianluca Trombetta: A new course to the rescue

When my audiologists finally convinced me to start wearing hearing aids at age 20, I expected to immediately have perfect hearing. But of course, that did not happen. And then I found myself with questions and in situations that I did not know how to handle.

What was I to do when my hearing aids did not work? How should I tell my work colleagues about my hearing loss? How do I properly enjoy my dinner out or a day at the beach? And what technology accessories are relevant for my needs?

I was disappointed and frustrated by what I felt was a lack of support from my audiologists. But I’ve learned that hearing aids are just the start of the hearing rehabilitation journey, the term I use to describe a comprehensive approach to improving your hearing.

Here are the 10 things that I wish my audiologists had taught me:

  • Manage expectations

    Hearing aids will NOT fix our hearing completely. And that expectation should be communicated to us very clearly. They are the first step in this journey to living an exceptional life with hearing loss.

  • Personalised goals

    We should start by setting personalized goals and use surveys as a baseline for outcomes later in the treatment.

  • Hearing aid orientation

    We must be instructed and oriented to properly operating our hearing aids. After all, they are mini computers in our ear.

  • Communication strategies

    It is critical to have basic strategies for communicating with people when your hearing aids aren’t enough in a difficult listening situation. I’ve found it helpful to have scripts prepared in order to easily explain to someone that I have hearing loss and how to speak to me so that I can hear better.

  • Take notes

    In this hearing rehabilitation process, we should take notes and record challenging situations. This will help measure our progress.

  • Learn useful skills

    According to hearing loss and needs, audiologists should encourage us to learn skills such as lip reading. Classes can be found online or in the local community.

  • Enhance cognitive abilities

    Auditory training can significantly improve your cognitive ability as it helps the brain make sense of what comes through our ears.

  • Join support groups

    Support groups and online networks are widely available. Hearing the story of others is a powerful way to build confidence.

  • Test your hearing

    Over the course of the treatment, hearing should be tested using best practices (real-ear measurements) to make sure that the fitting is actually working for our specific goals.

  • Plan your rehabilitation

    This process of hearing rehabilitation should be iterated periodically: Goals Fitting Test Surveys. Life situations are constantly changing and the treatment should be ongoing.

audiologist assisted course

Audiologists struggle to teach a full rehabilitation journey in their treatment plan due to limited time, effort, and financial reasons. An audiologist appointment every 6 months usually isn’t enough support to give us the tools and resources we need to succeed.

After spending the last 10 years working in technology and hearing care, I’ve decided to develop an online hearing rehabilitation course for hearing aid users to gain the communication skills and situational tools that took me years to discover.

This 6-week course teaches you how to turn your hearing loss into an advantage and live the life you really want.

If you’re interested in learning more about this course, and wish to sign up, check out Hear Better in Six Weeks.

What about you? What are other things do you wish your audiologists had taught you?

5 replies
  1. Good will
    Good will says:

    This is not a fair representation. A good Audiologist WILL tell you these things , however you need to take some ownership of your hearing loss and do some research / self-help yourself . Judging from the tone of this article , you expect us to be a technician , a counsellor , a hearing therapist and a babysitter , and to manage your hearing loss completely !

    • Gianluca Trombetta
      Gianluca Trombetta says:

      Why is it wrong to expect that a hearing professional would manage my hearing loss completely? You may not have to deliver all the components but need to at least introduce your clients to a holistic approach. I don’t think it’s fair (nor very successful in terms of outcomes) for a client to navigate such a complex topic on their own. Especially in very emotional times.


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